Friday, February 10, 2012

Viral Video

As a father of two, I both cringed and smiled as I watched Tommy Jordan in his Facebook video message to his teenage daughter.  Having gone through the teen years, I know the frustration, shock and even outrage a parent can feel.  

Does the firing squad fate of the offensive technology qualify as a form of natural consequences that experts recommend?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I am guessing none of the 11,668 people who commented on his Facebook post were parenting experts or psychologists.  

For the record, I admire what Tommy Jordan wrote just an hour ago on his Facebook page.

"Never again will I have the opportunity to speak to so many people about anything.. and instead I'm sitting here stupefied"

The Numbers

I opened the video on YouTube about an hour ago to find that there were already 1.8 million views.  Just 30 minutes later, I reloaded the video to find that number had gone up to 2.2 million.  You'll have to check how many have viewed this video when you read this post.  

For reference, the recent FoxNews analysis of the President's State of the Union Address during the week of January 23rd, 2012 garnered just under twice as many viewers

15 Minutes?

We see this all the time, don't we?  Just another instance of Andy Warhol's 15 minutes of fame?  Or is this an indicator of our accelerating connectedness?  Is social media itself a passing term for this phenomena?  I think so, but don't take my word for it.  The founder of Foursquare said it better and with more understanding of the landscape.  

Will You Be Ready?

In that moment when what you say with passion, anger, insight, vision or humor rings true with a large audience and they share your message with those they trust, will you be ready?  Will you have more to your personal or professional message?  Most of us may not be as honest as Mr. Jordan, but just as stumped about what to say when others are listening.  

Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Google+, UStream and more.  Connection and communication tools are getting easier, faster and more mobile.  The complexities of our interactions are increasing just as quickly.  

What will your message be when everyone is listening?